Presented by Anju Puri

Pathways to Healing

A community Grief Circle
Together, we navigate grief with love and compassion!

Is this for you?

Are You:

-> Someone who is dealing with a "loss"* and struggling with complexities of grief.-> An individual facing anticipatory grief, preparing for an impending loss of a loved one with terminal illness?-> A caregiver or part of a support system seeking effective methods to provide support?-> A professional healthcare worker engaging with grieving families?-> Seeking a safe and supportive environment to process your feelings of loss.-> Looking to connect with individuals who are open to sharing their personal stories and experiences within a judgement-free space.- > A long-term griever still contending with a past loss?-> Feeling "lost" or "stuck" but are ready to embark on a journey of healing, self-discovery and renewal

Why this program?

Find Life after a Loss

"Loss" can be associated with:
*1. Bereavement
2. Identify of own self
3. Miscarriage or Stillbirth
4. Purpose
5. Job or Career
6. Dream or Goal Loss
7. Cultural or Spiritual
8. Relationships
9. Health
10. Pets
Losses can feel isolating, like an uncharted territory where you're lost without a map. And Grief has no timelines!"Pathways to Healing" is your compass, guiding you through the treacherous terrains of sorrow, helping you navigate loss with love and compassion.Join our 10-week program, specially tailored for those who've suffered a loss. As a group, we delve deep into understanding, accepting, and ultimately learning to manage pain of grief. We heal as a community!This is not about forgetting but finding a way to live with the memory, cherishing it, and moving forward.

What the journey looks like:

What to expect

10 Week Journey

Week 1: Introductions and Processing Grief
Setting the stage, understanding our emotions
Week 2: Understanding Grief Debunking myths, establishing self-care routines
Week 3: Stages of Grief Navigating the emotions, understanding the stages
Week 4: Navigating Loss Recognizing triggers, honoring your loss
Week 5: Self-Compassion and Forgiveness
Finding self-love amidst grief
Week 6: Coping with Life Changes
Dealing with the ripple effects of grief
Week 7: Building Resilience and Your Mental Well-being
Strengthening your emotional core
Week 8: Exploring Spirituality and Meaning
Finding spiritual comfort
Week 9: Relationships and Support
Maintaining strong connections
Week 10: Reflections and Integration
Summarizing the journey and looking forward
** BONUS items include, not limited to:**
1.Each session is enriched with mindful grounding meditations and healing/release exercises to empower you with practical tools
2. Create a memoir to honor your loss
*3. Professional guest speakers

Safe space - A nurturing environment where ALL your emotions are validated.Honoring the "3-C Model"1. Connection - Sense of belonging in a safe space to share your emotions and feelings with no judgements2. Community - Gain strength by supporting one another through challenges, fostering a sense of unity3. Compassion - Mindfulness Coaching and healing practices

Take the First Step

Self-Empowering Journey

Grief may feel like a life sentence, but it doesn't have to be.Whether it's for you or someone you know, take that crucial first step towards finding your own path to healing.Enroll in "Pathways to Healing" today and embark on a journey toward love, understanding and recovery.Yes, Each one of us deserve to have a Life After a Loss!Book a 1-1 with me today for a free assessment to inquire about 1-1 coaching and/or group program availability dates.

Testimonial by Juliet Hamby

1:1 Coaching

I felt so "fearful" before making the first call to get help but once I spoke with Anju, she put me in so much ease and comfort that I could give permission to evolve. Many aspects of my life "unfolded" through coaching, including grief. I am now able to "live" and find "joy" in little things in all aspects of my life. My time spent with her is a great investment in my growth and highly recommend her services.

We wont leave you alone!On-going support is made available

Leading a monthly on-line support group

Through service and community, we can stay connected and support each other on an on-going monthly basis.

a day of healing

Customized In-Person Group Healing Workshops can also be requested!